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The Final Objective

So previously, I briefly covered the two main ways to generate victory points through Primary and Secondary objectives. The final way is to have a painted army, which generates 10VP at the end of the game. 

I have very mixed feelings about this and each time I come back to it I change my mind over whether or not it is a good thing.


  • It rewards players for painting their armies
  • GW prides itself on having beautifully painted armies as a showcase to people who are new to the hobby, consequently when playing in public it encourages players to use painted models
  • It discourages grey netlists
  • Fully painted games feel better
  • In a number of tournaments there is already a requirement to have painted armies


  • It can be a blocker for people getting in to the hobby
  • Some people have difficulties painting and this is discriminatory towards them
I have not implemented this rule (yet). I certainly think that it should be something that people think about and talk about. I really can't see this being a problem within my own gaming group. We might wind each other up if one of us has a painted army and the other doesn't, however for pick-up games this might be problematic. 
In only one game that I have played, we used this rule and it swung from a defeat to a 7pt victory for me, did I feel like I won? No. Did it leave a bad taste in both our mouths? Yes.

What is painted?
Historically we had rules like 3 colour minimum, which had a bit of abuse when it came to some lovely monochromatic armies that were 2 colours, but fully painted. GW helpfully has provided an handy guide:
You can read more about it here  (

Essentially, base coat, shade and the base itself. It doesn't need washes or highlights and I think is readily attainable, certainly, this is the minimum standard I aim for.

Duncan's famous first miniature meeting the battle ready requirement:


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